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Money mule mayhem

Ever tempted by a message on social media, offering you easy money for very little effort, all from the comfort of your own home? It could be an attempt by criminals to engage you and your bank account in criminal money laundering.
Money Mule Blog

What is a money mule scam?

Money mule scams are a type of financial fraud in which fraudsters use unsuspecting individuals to launder money or transfer stolen funds. In these scams, the scammers often recruit people through job postings or social media ads, offering them a work-from-home opportunity to make money in exchange for their help in transferring funds. You may have seen ads on social media, for example, “make £250 per week, no experience necessary”.

Once the scammer has convinced the victim to participate, they send funds via wire transfer or a direct deposit into the victim's account and then instruct them to withdraw the money and transfer it to another account, or send it to someone else. The victim is often told to keep a percentage of the funds as payment for their services. ‘Easy money’, they’re told.

The money being transferred is usually stolen or obtained through illegal means, and the victim unknowingly becomes an accomplice to the crime by facilitating the transfer of these funds. In many cases, the victim doesn’t realise they’re involved in a scam until it’s too late and they’ve already sent the money.

Money mule scams are illegal, and those who participate in them can face serious legal consequences, including fines, imprisonment, and damage to their credit and financial reputation. It’s important to be vigilant and avoid any job offers or requests to transfer funds from unknown individuals or organisations.

Worryingly, around six in ten mules are under the age of 30.

Money laundromat

Money mule scams are often connected to money laundering. In these types of scams, criminals use unsuspecting individuals as intermediaries to transfer funds that have been obtained through illegal means, such as fraud, theft, or drug trafficking. The funds are then laundered to make them appear legitimate and conceal their criminal origins.

Money mule scams are a key component of many money laundering operations because they allow criminals to move money across borders and through multiple accounts quickly and easily, without arousing suspicion. By using money mules to transfer funds, criminals can also distance themselves from the illegal activity and avoid detection by law enforcement.

Organised crime

​Organised crime groups are often involved in money mule scams. These groups often target vulnerable individuals, such as those who are struggling financially or have limited job prospects, and may use coercion or threats of violence to force them to participate in these activities. They may also use sophisticated techniques to hide their activities and avoid detection by law enforcement, such as using encrypted communication channels or setting up complex networks of accounts to move funds through multiple jurisdictions.

Money mule scams are a lucrative source of income for organised crime groups, as they allow them to move large sums of money quickly and easily, with relatively little risk of detection or prosecution.

Do money mule scams exist in the UK?

Yes, and they are a growing problem. According to the UK's fraud prevention service, Cifas, there was a 26% increase in the number of 18-24 year olds being used as money mules in 2022 compared to the previous year. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it easier for criminals to target vulnerable individuals who may be struggling financially and more willing to participate in such scams.

Money mule scams are a serious criminal offence in the UK, and those who participate in them can face prosecution, imprisonment, and a criminal record. The consequences of being involved in a money mule scam can be severe, including damage to a person's credit rating, difficulty obtaining credit or opening bank accounts in the future, and even being blacklisted by financial institutions.

It’s important to be aware of the signs of a money mule scam and to avoid any unsolicited job offers or requests to transfer money from unknown individuals or organisations. Anyone who suspects they may have been targeted by a money mule scam should report it to Action Fraud, the UK's national fraud and cybercrime reporting centre.

Targeting school children

Sometimes, school children are targeted and get involved in money mule scams, often disguised as part-time or freelance work. The fraudsters may ask the young person to receive money into their bank account and transfer it to another account or individual in exchange for a fee or commission. The young person may be unaware that the money being transferred is the proceeds of crime or fraudulent activity. And they are unlikely to realise how serious it is.

The use of school children in money mule scams is a growing concern, and the UK's fraud prevention service, Cifas, reported a 27% increase in the number of young people aged 14-18 being used as money mules in 2022 compared to the previous year.

It’s important for parents and teachers to educate young people about the risks of money mule scams and to encourage them to report any suspicious requests or job offers to a trusted adult or to the authorities. Schools and colleges also provide resources and information on financial fraud prevention and safe online behaviour to help protect young people from money mule scams.

When a mule is caught

Being involved in a money mule scam, even unknowingly, can have serious legal consequences, including fines, imprisonment, and damage to a person's credit and financial reputation. It’s crucial to be vigilant and avoid any job offers or requests to transfer funds from unknown individuals or organisations to prevent inadvertently becoming involved in money laundering or other criminal activity. There are many cases where young people have received criminal records after inadvertently becoming money mules.

If a young person is caught and prosecuted:

  • They could be putting your family at risk
  • They could be dismissed from university, find it hard to access further student loans and gain future employment in the UK
  • It will be difficult to get a phone contract
  • Their bank account will be closed and you will have problems applying for credit
  • They could go to prison for up to 14 years.

How can you spot a money mule scam?

Money mule scams can be difficult to detect, as the scammers often use sophisticated tactics to trick their victims. However, there are some warning signs that can indicate a potential money mule scam. Here are a few things to look out for:

  • Unsolicited job offers or requests to transfer money: Be wary of any unsolicited job offers or messages from strangers asking you to transfer money. Legitimate employers or business contacts will not ask you to transfer funds on their behalf, especially if you have no prior relationship with them
  • Offers of easy money: Scammers often promise easy money or quick profits in exchange for your help in transferring funds. Be cautious of any offers that seem too good to be true - because they probably are
  • Pressure to act quickly: Fraudsters may pressure you to act quickly and transfer funds as soon as possible, before you’ve had time to fully consider the offer or investigate the legitimacy of the request
  • Use of third-party bank accounts: Money mule scams often involve the use of third-party bank accounts to receive and transfer funds. If you’re asked to transfer funds to a bank account that does not belong to the person or organisation you’re dealing with, this should be a red flag
  • Unusual payment methods: Be wary of requests to receive or transfer funds via unusual payment methods such as gift cards, cryptocurrency, or online payment platforms. These methods are often favoured by scammers because they can be difficult to trace
  • Never open a bank account in someone else’s name

If you’re unsure whether an offer or request is legitimate, it is best to stay on the side of caution and seek advice from a trusted financial advisor or law enforcement agency before taking any action.

What can I do?

If, inadvertently, you’ve become involved in a money mule scam, there are some steps you can take. It’s important to take action as soon as possible to get out of the situation and minimise any potential legal or financial consequences. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Stop all communication with the fraudsters: If you’ve been communicating with the fraudsters, stop all communication immediately. Don’t respond to any further requests or messages
  • Contact your bank or financial institution: Let your bank or financial institution know what’s happened and ask them to freeze your account to stop any further transactions. They can also provide you with advice on what to do next
  • Report the scam to the authorities: Report the scam to the police and any relevant fraud reporting agency, such as Action Fraud. They can investigate the matter and provide you with advice on how to protect yourself
  • Seek legal advice: If you’re facing legal consequences as a result of your involvement in the money mule scam, seek legal advice from a qualified lawyer as soon as possible
  • Learn from the experience: Use this experience as a learning opportunity to become more aware of the risks of financial fraud and scams. Be vigilant and avoid any unsolicited job offers or requests to transfer funds from unknown individuals or organisations

Remember, it’s never too late to take action and get out of a money mule scam. The key is to act quickly and seek help from the appropriate authorities and professionals.

Protect your data

In order for a scammer to contact you to pull you into their money laundering web, they need to have a crumb of data that leads them to you. It might be as simple as a phone number, or an email address, which they bought on the dark web.

People get targeted by scammers from all sorts of directions, usually because they’ve got some part of your personal data. They probably obtained it from a data breach where hackers stole your personal information from a legitimate company.

The best way to avoid having your data stolen in a data breach is to make sure it’s not stored amongst any data that gets stolen. You can get your data deleted from any company that no longer needs it by using our Rightly Protect service. It’s quick, simple and free and will tell you just who has your data and give you the chance to instruct them to completely erase it, if that’s what you want to do.

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