The free way to save on insurance renewals

Rightly doesn’t compare or sell insurance.

We help you get the best renewal price from your current insurer.

Save Hero - Mobile V2

Rightly is 100% free

Quick set up
Simple to use

How this works

Righty doesn’t compare or sell insurance. Saving on insurance starts with taking control of auto-renewals.
Save - How it works - L
Save - How it works - S
Organise your policies
Finds policy details automatically or add them yourself
Stop Auto-renewals
We help you turn them off so you don't just get rolled over
Help to haggle
Ask your insurer to negotiate to keep you, all without having to call them
Save on switching
Nudges you when it's cheapest to use comparison sites and shop with insurer direct.

Rightly helps you save if you stick and save if you twist


When it comes to staying on top of insurance renewals, we’ve you covered

Four reminder emails

Four reminder emails

Our timely reminders will come exactly at the right moment to help you plan and take action
You’ll get four email prompts leading up to your renewal date. Each reminder guides you through what’s best to do at each stage, be it: switch off auto-renewals, negotiate with your insurer, research a better deal or stick with your current provider.

Our privacy promise

At Rightly, our heart and soul is in protecting personal data and helping people make the most of theirs. We take great care to make sure your data is safe and never compromised, and kept only whilst we need it to help you get the results you want.

  • Your policy details are encrypted with strict access controls
  • We’re ISO27001 certified
  • We’ve passed Google’s security verification
  • You can delete your Rightly account at any time

Some common questions